In Ukraine on Friday, 30 November, colder more precipitation is expected.
Only day in the South and most Central areas — a light snow, places a Blizzard, reports Reuters.
On country roads in some places sleet. Eastern wind of 5-10 m/s, in the Eastern and southern part gusts of 15-20 m/s, in the sea of Azov places 5-8 m/s.
Novolikars to -13 and snow: forecasters said the weather in the Ukraine
Night temperature 10-15°, day 3-8° below zero, in the Carpathian region around 0° (in the Carpathian mountains at night, 15-20°, 7-12° below zero day); in the southern regions at night 6-11°, 0-5° below zero.
In the Crimea, night rain, day snow and rain; the temperature at night 1-6° below zero, day 0-2° Celsius.
In Kiev Sunny. The day temperature — up to 07, -12.
As reported by OBOZREVATEL, on the territory of Ukraine until the end of the current week is expected to deteriorating weather conditions.
Read all news by topic “weather Forecast” on OBOZREVATEL.
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