Not deplaces on ciogodnichnyu quarantine in this regard’yazku s coronaviruses, ninsin distancing vikladannya disciple for ucnv not it should be zabuvati about neopine nablyzhennya targowego educational rock.
Salesas spouts scho pandemic PDE on the decline, and so – Navalny processes turn to their svejnoha format and rhythm. However, for today, as I bagato rokiv popl, salissa otkritim I pressing patanam: for yakimi osti program zdobuvachi Ukrainian higher education UCN?
Of in particular, Chi smooth of Zaklady zagalna serednia osti operate for vprovadzhennya Natapov osut programs include, in particular of “Razvivalki navchannya”, “Rostock”, “On the krill ospho”, “Intelect Ukraine”, for yakimi shte in view from the past educational year pracowali sotn SQL in Ukraine.Sprobuje Rospatent Dataline.
The Ukrainian legislation formally garanto autonomy zakladu zagalna serednia osti pirannah Vlingo wyboru whether ACO OSTO programs include. And from Chi stvoren realm features schodo h wprowadzenia? Yak pokazu segodenya – practical experience*.
The fee for the “bezkoshtovno” higher education
Here, Pringle, Varto bring the butt ukraïnskoï pochatkova school. For today there is the toll-ne 10 oth programs: DV them — tipov, summergen Kolegu Ministerstva osti the I of science of Ukraine, and 8 — of nelipovich scho mayut neohd permit for zastosuvannya from Derzhavna service quality osti, Yak TSE viznacheno the legislation. However, at itsyou sit Mnote APRILJUNE lachey tipov osut programs include. Chi je TSE Viacom discriminat for otnosheny to nelipovich program?
Vodnochas, maєmo the situation, if Minsterstvo osti I science of Ukraine de facto has visalo Natapov osut programs include – prizes. Properly, taqiy the conclusion of naprosta after oznayomlennya iz sheet vitanovacka obov required yazkiv mnestra osti Lubomir Manzi, databank 4 quina 2020 rock. Have document so Swan “plan” Oswin programs include, but vidtak, obviously, Varto razumeti scho TSE us OVT programs include, besides the quiet, that francouise power on until perelka prekladu discriminat in osti SFER for minoval oznakoyu.
Varto noted, scho prestige. sheet CDO not devel assili, that programs include to nalezhat to prizes. Not asking TAC explanation I in ukrainskomu zakonodavstva. No Yogo I in HIH normativnih the documents, spamovyh on reguluvannya OSTO processes. Identity vincati, Yak programa “paid”, ie discriminacin obviously mayut cervice zakladu zagalna serednia osti, teachers, batko?…
Uprodovzh ostannih dvoh rokiv 8 of nelipovich osut programs vykorystovuyutsia actively in Ukrainian schools. By the way, the stench hi kopicki not splashout for h vikoristannya, Oskolki developers from Nikoli did not put podno umove. Dine, for scho be reported platiti dad ABO blagodijnij funds for dodatkow nachaln materials, and in particular, soshite on drukowane snow, dowdney, Atlas, auto – TA deomurari, materials for the holding prirodnich gold.
I then logonid ª zapitannya: a chomu for TSE reported platiti? After Natapov osut programs include Visan power. Answer is obvious. Only the fact scho power fnance vinyatkovo vidana skelnik Parusnikov scho rotable pid satardien wisman her W tipov programs include. Pidruchniki, sweno, wegoma part. Ale W mustache other (soshite on drukowane snow, Atlas, conturn Carty, posebnimi for uchitelu toscho) druksa on comercia ambushes. And vidtak reported shukati much koshti….
Identity, in today navti Visan tipovima programs include mozhna nazvati lachey umove bezkoshtovne. Given the TSE, Chi fair rozkladaci Natapov osut programs include, Yak discriminacin for minoval oznakoyu?
From deklarowanej to wilena
Imore, ukljucujuci to perelka prekladu discriminat Natapov osut programs include, Pericles prigoana meta: diskreditovali programs include, storen nederjanii institucemi. Zadlya chogo? Abi obespecheniya from dodatkowych reigning vitrat on higher education. Of course, scho nanavati Staryi navchalnykh komplektu lachey for Eyad osti program economise, and zabezpechiti print materials for a dozen of programs. Ale Yak bootie W realsize right wyboru batkiv I pedagogu OSTO programs include, zakonodaja zakreplena in Sakon of Ukraine “About higher education”?
Tom, first of all, posadowsky it should be vdevices from tharuvana ksztalt “paid” osta program. After, Yak mi already naznachali, navti programs include, yaki toil today Derzhavne finansowania, bezkoshtovne mozhna nazvati lachey umowna. Furthermore, navchannya arlik Mauger diskreditovali itself vitanovacka obov required yazkiv mnestra Lubomir osti of Mazi, Yak Vlasna to put PDEs pid podmnky leaves.
In another way, patanam, Yak potrebu immediately address reguluvannya, je usunennya stochnyh you like in Osty SFER schodo realset right to vilny choice OSTO programs include. Perche lagoni CROC in this napramku – prestati dlite programs include on Natapov th tipov, bezkoshtovne Chi plan.
Other Kroc got the way gotovnosti mon vzhe from 2022 year peredati pledges zagalna serednia osti subvents on zakupivlyu educational-metodichnikh komplektu pid obranu them aswt program for umove, yakscho won zatverdzheno on sovereign run . TSE not tilki allow teachers and fathers separatist operate aswt program and uniemozliwic navti neimans pdsi in pedgeman pozadovany Mnote Tim Chi him wydawnictwem, that saluces to Aswan reigning koshtiv.
However, Chi Dallastown have Mnost vdovets from Monopol have pitann the Druk navchalnykh materials to osut program to show the hour. So needless Yak I gotovnosti to Spinetta of alternative, innovation is the law on acci osti process.
Author: Vasilina Hairulina, candidate pedagogichnij Sciences, member-correspondent of Academ pedagogichnij of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Ukrayinsky kolegu imeni V. O. Suhomlinskogo s 1988 to 2016 year.
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