“I had to receive her body, apparently wrapped in a shroud and coffin already inside,” Mr Mohamed told Nuevo Dia. She was given a burial in their hometown in 2014.
But recently friends watching a show which sets out to reunite ‘lost’ families heard a woman they were sure was Mrs Mohamed appealing to find her husband.
A screenshot of the TV show Al Mujtafun
She apparently called in to TV programme Al Mokhtafoun, which translates as ‘The Disappeared’, and gave his name and address, saying they had “lost touch” two years ago.
It sparked a social media furore as it was revealed that Mr Mohamed had in fact buried a different woman at the funeral service.
“I did not know it was a different body that we buried and my wife was still alive,” Mr Mohamed said.
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The exact circumstances of what happened following the crash are as yet unknown.
But the story has proven popular on social media in Morocco, where users have been coming up with numerous theories to explain the event – including that Mrs Mohamed may have been suffering from memory loss.
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Medical or administrative incompetence have been blamed for the error, Nuevo Dia reports.
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