In Kiev there was a scandal between esoterica Simona Borodina and her husband, singer Alexey Fedorenko and their neighbor, Artem Skryabin. The conflict erupted due to Pets: the woman allegedly grabbed the leash French bulldog Scriabin and nearly strangled.
According to the guy, he simply removed from the hands Borodina dog leash, after which both sides went home. However, after a few hours the woman’s spouse, Alex, allegedly broke into the house to Artem and he was beaten severely. About this on his page in Facebook wrote the head of the community Vlad Antonov.
“A gang of people from five persons, started beating me and threatening me, my girlfriend and my dog. Then you pulled me out of the apartment, skidded into the Elevator, where he was beaten and then dragged behind the house to the garbage cans where she was beaten and threatened with death,” — said Artem Skryabin.
Facebook Vlad Antonov
Novastrike did not stop: in Kiev in broad daylight, brutally beat the woman
However, most Simona Borodina is there another version of the conflict. She claims that she grabbed the dog’s leash because he lashed out at her little daughter and their dog.
“A dog the size of a child made the jump directly into the face of Stacy. Our little Pomeranian weighing in at three pounds in a matter of seconds cut off a mouth of a dog and the girl’s face”, — Borodin told.
Further, according to her, Artem Skryabin began to beat her daughter from behind with a stick, and then fled.
The woman also reported that they took a beating with the child and appealed to law enforcement agencies.
As OBOZREVATEL wrote in August in Kiev was a scandal because of the attack of a large dog fighting breeds on the neighbors of its owner. Staffordshire Terrier, who walk without a muzzle, attacked the bulldog.
Read all the news “news of Kiev and Kiev region” on OBOZREVATEL.
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