Especially penguins love ice slides
In the Chinese city of Harbin festival of ice and snow opened the icy amusement Park for the penguins of Penguin island with ice slides, snow drifts and a large pool.
Look at a winter show with feathered visited by hundreds of tourists, reports “UKRINFORM”.
It is noted that the birds brought from the city zoo. Those first cautiously inspected the new house, but after a few hours started is hard to ride on the ice slides.
“They are all closely examined, felt uncomfortable, but at the same time was in awe of the new environment. In General, penguins have adapted well. In this Park they will hold all winter, and during that time they see thousands of tourists,” – said the Manager of Harbin Polarland zoo Zhang Khiva.
- Penguins in suits Santa Claus greeted the children at the zoo
Very popular Park is among the residents of the southern regions of China – there is too warm for Arctic birds and aviaries suitable for them, there is not in every zoo. Therefore, for a large number of travelers this is the first opportunity to consider the penguins.
Harbin is one of the most Northern cities of China. For over half a century here annually conduct winter show building parks and sculptures out of ice, arrange the heats in cold water. Winter festival in Harbin traditionally lasts until the end of February.
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China, festival, amusement Park, penguins
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