Drones at the time of the accident was driving a Volkswagen
Photo: newsroom.kh.ua
On 12 March during a meeting of the Kyivsky district court of Kharkiv on the case of a fatal accident, which killed six people, involved in the production Gennady drones refused to testify. About it reports the local edition NewsRoom.
“I want to bring my condolences. I want to hear all the witnesses. Refer to article 63 of the Constitution of Ukraine (the person is not liable for refusing to give testimony or explanations against himself, family members or close relatives. – “GORDON”)”, – said the drones.
The evening of 18 October in Kharkiv at the intersection of streets Sumy and lane Mechnikov Lexus RX350 collided with the Volkswagen Touareg, flew onto the sidewalk and hit a pedestrian. The accident killed six people, five were injured.
Driving a Lexus was 20-year-old adopted daughter of the Kharkov businessman Vasily Zaitsev, Alena, and driving Volkswagen – 49-year-old businessman Gennady drones.
October 20, Zaitsev is under arrest without the right to bail. It is charged with a violation of the rules of traffic safety, entailed death of several persons (part 3 of article 286 of the Criminal code of Ukraine). The maximum sanction of article prescribes 10 years of imprisonment.
6 Nov Dronovu declared suspicion. Police believe he violated the rules of the road, stopping for traffic light object, moving on forbidding (red) signal of the traffic light, before wasn’t convinced of safety of maneuver performed. Dronova was taken into custody November 8.
Zaitsev acknowledged his guilt, and the drones – no.
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