Emelyanov mentioned in several criminal cases
Photo: Arthur Milanov / Facebook
On September 25 of this year the Prosecutor’s office of Austria started the investigation of the criminal case against the Ukrainian judges of the Supreme Economic court of Arthur Emelyanov and his ex-wife, ex-Deputy of the Donetsk city Council from Party of regions Svetlana Yemelyanova on suspicion that they ordered the abduction of a German citizen Vladislav Izrailit. About it writes the edition theБабель with reference to the materials of the case.
In early October, three Ukrainians Izrailit and a couple Maxim Slutsky and Julius Kaplan submitted to the Prosecutor a statement against Emelyanov. They accused the judge, his ex-wife and their business partner Paul Malik of fraud and ordering the kidnapping.
Slutsky, Izrailit and Kaplan has emigrated from Ukraine in the early nineties, he received German citizenship and are in Germany and Austria the hotel business. In 2012, Slutsky and Malik agreed to the joint venture. Malik invested in the business of €400 thousand on the security of shares in the company, which was owned by Slutsky. With this money, the partners bought two hotels in Vienna, under the direction of Slutsk upgrade them and resell.
In 2014 or 2015, the key the company gave Svetlana Emelianova shares in hotels, and the Slutsky found out by accident. In 2017 between partners the conflict began. It began litigation.
In a statement, the Izrailit, Slutsk and Kaplan to the Prosecutor’s office said that Malik and former spouses Emelyanovo wanted to force the partner to go for a settlement agreement. To this end, they decided to steal the Izrailit, who was the CEO of one of the companies and had to leave the post in favor of Emel’janovoj.
Four Ukrainians were to steal Izrailit and beat until he will call Slutsky with a request to sign the settlement agreement and to recognize the rights Yemelyanova and Malik in the disputed companies. About this lawyer Slutsky said one of the performers failed crime – Viktor Skorik. Customer Skoryk called the judge Yemelyanov, who allegedly acted on behalf of the former wife. Malik was a mediator and according to Skoryk offered him €10 thousand
18 July 2018 the perpetrators of the crime, gathering information about Israelite. However, the businessman found out about the spying and called the police. Police came to the suspects in a hotel, interrogated and advised those to leave Germany, what they did.
Back in Ukraine, Skoryk went to the Prosecutor with a confession, because he was afraid of the anger of the judge Emelyanova and allegedly realized that he is in “more danger than just a beating.”
Emelyanov said to the publication that has never threatened or tried to steal Izrailit. The judge also said he never spoke with CARICOM.
According to the judge, he is intimately familiar with Malik, and Slutsk met in Austria to 2015, where he was the “Manager Malik.” At this time, Svetlana Yemelyanova, moved to Vienna and made the average of the judge’s son Cyril at the Hebrew University. To do this she had to confirm Jewish roots, what really helped Slutsky. They’re families were friends and visited each other’s homes, Slutsky and he visited Yemelyanov in the hospital in Kiev.
24 January 2018 in Kiev Slutsky complained about Malik that “he owes him a lot of money” from the sale of hotels. The judge said that the sale of the hotels had obtained €2 million, which Slutsky without the consent of Malik somewhere listed.
“At this time, Malik was very ill – it was said that he may not make it. I think Slutsky went for broke and [the money] just stole. And now for our meeting in the restaurant Catch in January 2018 Maxim says that the two million euros he was not satisfied with that half of the profit is €8 million and he wants them [to]. They said to me, say, you know Malik, you’re friends, help me take this money,” – said Emelyanov.
According to the judge, he refused the offer and promised to tell Malik and Slutsky in response, he threatened. After this conversation he, Caplan and Slutsky began to sue Emel’janovoj.
The judge also said that Skorik was an accomplice to the Izrailit and when he was in Frankfurt trying to provoke a conflict, to call the police.
“In Ukraine, I learned that lawyers Izrailit has been filed to the police in Frankfurt that Svetlana [using Skoryk] tried to steal the Izrailit. However, according to the lawyer Svetlana, the police have not received any confirmation from the Izrailit, and Svetlana Emelyanova in the case did not appear. In turn, Svetlana filed a police report Vienna statement libel. There is a criminal act,” – said Emelyanov.
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