The man has three precious resources: health, time and money. If health is deteriorating, we go to the pharmacy and buy what was recommended by the doctor.
When you want to save time, come in the robotic pharmacy, order the item from the pharmacist and wait 7 seconds – that’s how much time is required PharmBot technique for finding the desired position on the shelf. And what about savings?
Pharmacies three fermentov “Pharmacy penny”, “Blagoda”, “Pharmacy ants” have provided a different situation. From 01 August to 30 September, they introduced the all-Ukrainian campaign “Cosima prices”, which introduces discounts of up to 25%* on a large range of positions. Details you can check with the pharmacist of a robotic pharmacy. The discount is subject to availability of goods.
The demand for drugs arises situational. We think about them to prevent, on the recommendation of a doctor or with deteriorating health. Where often visit drugstores and buy hygiene products or dietary supplements. Pharmacies three farmbred prove: the right product in stock is good, and the opportunity to purchase it at a big discount – even better! Take advantage of the promotion “Cosima prices” on the territory of Ukraine.
But that’s not all the possibilities. To pre-order the position you want, there is pharmaceutical information. It allows you to pick up the goods at the point of sale. Already at the pharmacy, the robot PharmBot’ll take a pack on the shelf and give it to the pharmacist for 7 seconds.
In robotic pharmacies, you save three valuable resource. Farmbred “Pharmacy penny”, “Blagoda” and “Pharmacy ants”can’t take care of your health instead of you, but to help save on the purchase of important goods, they are a force.
As a reminder, a new “Cosima prices” valid for two months from 01.08 for 30.09.2019! Hurry up to buy the right product at a discounted price!
*Information about the price of the goods before and after the application of discounts, ratios to the previous selling price about the range of products that have discounts and also the discount percentage can be obtained from pharmacists pharmacies. Under the discount refers to the lower than normal sales price for a promotional product to 25%.
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