The system is designed to automate many of the production and operational processes and gas companies
DTEK Neftegaz was septentrional automated system of operational dispatch management (cut), which developed and implemented the company’s specialists. The system is designed to automate many of the production and operational processes and gas companies: collection of process parameters, monitoring production, monitoring the vehicle for further processing, analysis, preservation and display of data.
Cut collects data from boreholes, metering of hydrocarbons, gas treatment facilities, systems of gas contamination and of early warning systems and notification of emergencies. This data comes on the servers operational control centers, where they are collecting and monitoring. With the help of technical equipment and special software is displaying data in the form of interactive diagrams, graphs, tables and reports. The system automatically generates reports for analyzing process parameters.
Cut working around the clock in real time. Users who have the required access rights, get the information from the system on computers, laptops or mobile devices. Cut plays an important role in the operational decision-making on management of processes and the prevention of emergency situations. The system determines the emergency warning signals of the condition of the equipment and process parameters and reports them to the user.
Cut is involved in a number of modern equipment of leading world manufacturers. This server hardware is Hewlett Packard, a wall consisting of specialized monitors from LG, Wonderware system platform, which includes application server history storage, Web server, software integration, visualization, GUI, etc.
Director extraction and processing of hydrocarbons DTEK Neftegaz Alex Roptanov said: “Our company is steadily moving not just towards the automation of production processes, but also on the way of digitalization of the process of developing “smart” field. Unique system-cut, designed and implemented by our specialists, is a clear example of innovative thinking employees DTEK Neftegaz. System plays a key role in process control, work planning and management decisions”.
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