The sentence Severiano Dangadze, who is accused of attempting to organize a coup, forbidden to divulge
Photo: Alexander Antipov / Facebook
The Pechersky district court of Kiev on may 24 sentenced a member of the “movement of new forces” Severino Dangadze, who made a deal with the investigation and, as consider in party, he did it under pressure.
In the Unified register of court decisions has information about making this decision, but stated that the information is “prohibited for publication in accordance with paragraph 4 of part 1 of article 7 of the law of Ukraine “On access to judicial decisions”.
Paragraph 4 of part 1 of article 7 of this law States that in the texts of court decisions open for General access, can not be disclosed such information as “the information, to protect which the proceedings or the taking of certain procedural steps took place in a closed hearing”.
- The court refused to release under house arrest ally of Saakashvili
As the registry on may 22, Kyiv Pechersk court received the indictment in criminal proceedings No. 42017000000004873 of December 4, 2017 of committing crimes under part 3. part 4 of article 28 110-2 (financing of actions committed to forcibly change or overthrow the constitutional order or seizure of state power, changes of borders of the territory or state border of Ukraine); part 1 of article 15, part 3 of article 28, part 2 of article 256; part 1 article 15 of part 3 of article 28 and part 4 of article 110-2 (promotion of members of the criminal organizations and concealment of their criminal activity) the Criminal code of Ukraine.
The court is scheduled for may 24 “open preparatory court” for consideration of the indictment with a call to the Prosecutor, the accused and his counsel.
It is in these crimes was charged Dangadze, who was arrested on 4 December 2017. In the same case in December 2017 on interrogations began to call the leader of the “movement new forces,” the ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.
Earlier it was reported that ally Saakashvili identified as the person paying for the protests in Kiev. During investigative actions Dangadze “was acting nervous,” said Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko.
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