Naval expansion may continue attacks on Ukraine from the Crimea, allow in the “IP”
Russian ships. Photo:
To date, tactically, Russia is able to go on the offensive from the territory of the annexed Crimea, and does not exclude the blocking of the Russian Navy and aviation of the black sea waters of Ukraine, including in the area of Odessa within the framework of continuing military-political and economic pressure on Kiev.
About this site “Today” told the coordinator of group “Information resistance” Konstantin Mashovets, commenting on the concentration of Russia in the Crimea anti-ship missile systems “Bal”, reasons for the continuation of the militarization of the Peninsula and the possible further reaction of the Kremlin on the introduction of Ukraine of martial law.
“Militarization in Crimea is not connected with any possible NATO intervention in the situation with the Maritime confrontation between Ukraine and Russia. In the occupied ARC centered integrated interspecific grouping of troops of the Russian Federation. It consists of three components: land, sea and air. All three of these components can be used by Russia as an offensive tool and defensive. The nature of this group is complex. Increase or decrease of this group and the concentration of weapons depends on the current operational situation. But the fact is that the characteristics of this group are not so much for defense as for active hostilities. That is, to continue military expansion”, – explained the military expert.
The machovec confirmed that in the context of militarization of the Crimea do not exclude the scenario of Russia blocking traffic in the area of Odessa.
“It’s possible that she will take active steps in this direction. And, by the way, anti-ship missile complexes “Ball” can play a significant role. And, given the presence there of Russian ships and submarines with the system “Caliber”, a significant number of units, strike aircraft, concentrated in the Crimea, it suggests that all the militarization, there is clearly excessive and eloquent. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account plans of Russia on a sharp buildup of offensive weapons in Kerch and the sea of Azov. In addition, Russia has intentions to increase the number of only one tank in the composition of the Crimean group of up to 100. Why are they there?! Obviously, they’re going to use them somewhere in other place near the Crimea. That is, the elements of the active offensive arms in Crimea Russia is quite significant, not to mention the presence of a large number of units of the strike group tactical and strategic aviation. That is, of the Russian Federation may make decisions on the new block and active offensive actions,” he said.
Earlier, in comments to the website Today the Director of military programs Razumkov Center Nicholas Sungurovsky conceded that Russia can go on blocking traffic in the area of Odessa.
As reported, on 28 November, the President Petro Poroshenko signed a law on the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine.
Recall, November 26, the Ukrainian authorities have gone to drastic measures because of a new round of Russian aggression against Ukrainian ships in the Azov sea. President Petro Poroshenko issued a decree on the decision of the Council concerning a special legal regime in some regions of Ukraine. In the end, the Verkhovna Rada has introduced martial law 10 regions of the country.
More on developments in the Azov sea read on the “Today”: “the Response of Ukraine to the aggression of Russia in the Azov sea: a chronicle of conflict online.”
The survey
Russia, Odessa, Ukraine, war, Crimea, Bal, sea, militarization, blocking martial law, the NSDC decision, Mashovets
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