Kiev is waiting for “Prime Minister” and “President” on the roads of the capital
Cars with unusual rooms. Photo:
In Kiev on the street took a picture of a white Peugeot with the numbers “SPEAKER”.
“What goes on the speaker, already seen. Waiting for the Prime Minister and the President on the roads of Kiev”, – has signed a snapshot of its author, Alexander bilinskii.
As we wrote earlier, in Kiev, the attackers stole from the car of the room and returned to their owners for reward.
Similar cases occur in the capital for the first year. Back in 2011, one Parking on the street Greenhouse for two weeks there were four cases removal of numbers.
Later in 2015, in Kiev also acted Scam-robbers. At night, they rented rooms from the car and demanded the owners of the ransom in the amount of 300 hryvnia per room.
Similar cases have occurred in 2016. Activists were advised not to pay the thieves for the return of the rooms.
The survey
the speaker rooms, peugeot, license plates
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The incident
In Kiev, the guys stole the room with the car and return it for the money
17 November 2017, 18:12
The thieves acted at night for two months two or three times a week
Is it possible in Ukraine to legally sell a car with Lithuanian numbers
7 August 2017, 15:39
The expert explained that threaten the attempted resale of foreign cars
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