The production of the NEB were obliged to open a court
The national anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) has opened a criminal case in which appears the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak. About this anti-corruption Agency was informed in response to the request June 11, “Radio Liberty”.
The Bureau noted that we are talking about published by the people’s Deputy from “public Servants” geo Leros video of the alleged interview, which was conducted by brother Andrew Ermak Denis for appointment to the post.
June 2, Higher anti-corruption court ordered the NAB to open criminal proceedings. The Bureau noted that it has received the decision of the court.
“In accordance with the said statement, the citizen of Ukraine received illegal benefit for influence on decision-making head of the Office of the President regarding the appointment of a number of persons on positions in bodies of state power. Information about the criminal offense… included in the Unified register of pre-judicial investigations. Pre – qualification- part 2, article 369-2”, – said in response to NAB.
The Criminal code of Ukraine, this article is called “abuse of influence”, its part 2 involves punishment including deprivation of liberty for a term up to five years.
March 29, Leros released a video in which Denis Ermak supposedly discussing the appointment of people to public office.
Andrey Ermak threatened Leros investigation. His brother called the recording “rolls” and the handiwork of fraudsters.
President Vladimir Zelensky 20 may stated that these records wanted to blackmail him.
Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office (SAP) has opened criminal proceedings on the fact of possible corruption offenses. The employee of security service Sergey Shumskiy and lawyer Dmitry Shtanko, who appeared on the records, said that on April 5 gave evidence to the NEB on the fraud and corruption on the part of the brothers Ermakov. The Keeper claimed that the meeting Ermak Junior cost applicants gosdolzhnosti to $20 thousand
13 may it became known that the case was transferred for pre-trial investigation of the security Service of Ukraine. In the case of the “Leros films”, submitted to the National police, have not found corruption.
In an interview with HB, which was published on 28 may, the head of SAP Nazar Golodnitsky said prosecutors “understand”: Shumsky and the Keeper lying. SAP refused to investigate.
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