As it is cheaper to pay for the parcels under the new rules, and why now it is not necessary to buy the currency
The country has closed another Bank, Ukrainians have become more and more buy via the Internet, why expensive dollar and other major economic news of the week – in a special material website Today.
The expert said, when cheaper dollar
The imposition of martial law immediately caused panic in the currency market. The dollar rate in Ukraine has risen above 28 hryvnia, and above all the U.S. currency rose in exchange offices, from 95 cents.
On the question of the site “Today”, do I need to buy the currency because of martial law, the economist Oleksandr Okhrimenko said that the price increase has no economic prerequisites for the process are only emotions and panic.
“Panic is – the rate will rise. And it will grow by leaps and bounds. But in this economy, it’s all emotional. So, if you see in exchange 40, don’t be surprised. It’s not because he is 40, this is because the panic 40” – says Okhrimenko.
According to the expert, the situation with the exchange rate can be stabilized closer to the New year.
“It is hoped that within a month everything will calm down. Emotions calm down, and closer to the New year can even be a revaluation. The course is a little step aside, and people calm down. But then those who bought the currency now will swear that expensive to buy the dollar,” continues the economist.
Employers of illegal migrants will have to pay a fine
November 30 it became known that the government has developed a new bill and proposed to significantly increase penalties and fines for those who violate Ukrainian legislation on migration. The Cabinet of Ministers said that the situation in the area of migration needs serious changes: this year alone, Ukraine has been identified 9.7 thousand illegal migrants. Lawyers commented on the site “Today”, as the fines for illegal migrants may relate to their employers.
“For example, under article 204 of the Code of Ukraine about administrative violations by the officials who hire employees who violate the conditions of immigration laws, and the violation entails a fine of 200 to 300 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens.
Agree to save on the illegal worker will not succeed. I think it is a good lever for the compliance by employers not only migration, but also labour legislation; in the future it will help to eradicate the concept of “illegal” labour,” says Regina SAI, Junior associate JSC “Suprema Lex”.
The document also assumes that officials of enterprises, institutions and organizations will be required to follow the terms of stay in the country of migrants working in their companies. If the legal right of the foreign worker to stay on the territory of Ukraine will be expired, and the employer failed to timely notify state authorities, it will be fined in the amount of 5400 UAH.
“The penalty will be imposed on the company in case if they do not fulfill your obligation to timely check-out the running of a foreigner from Ukraine or lapsed with the paperwork, which are the basis for obtaining the right to stay in the country. Punish the business and for providing illegal migrant housing, a fine of up to 10200 UAH”, – says Andrey Yaromenko from the law firm EXPATPRO.
The lawyer adds that under the punishment will fall and schools attended by foreigners with an expired permit, and any other organization. In order to avoid fines, all of them have control, as aliens observe Ukrainian laws.
Ukraine is bankrupt another Bank
On 28 November the national Bank of Ukraine declared bankruptcy “daughter” of the Russian Bank in Ukraine. But there is good news: almost all investors will be able to return savings in full.
Thus, the NBU carried VTB Bank insolvent. The corresponding decision was approved by the NBU Board resolution №796-rsh/BT from 27 November 2018, the press service of the national Bank.
According to the national Bank, the assignment of VTB Bank insolvent will not affect the stability of the banking sector of Ukraine, since the share of financial institutions is only 0.6% of the net assets of solvent banks. Before that, the NBU has already withdrawn the banking and General licenses for implementation of currency transactions at BM Bank, shareholder of which is the VTB.
97% of depositors of the Bank VTB – almost 60 thousand people – get the deposits in full, as their size does not exceed guaranteed by the Deposit guarantee Fund of individuals (fgvfl) the amount of 200 thousand UAH. Larger deposits will be refunded within a specified amount. Only DIF will provide payment 942,7 million.
Pay less: how to optimize new taxes on the parcel
Experts explain how a change in tax parcels: to threaten, and impossible to circumvent. The question is not idle. Last year, the Ukrainians have set an absolute record for the number of sent parcels in the entire history of independence. According to Ukrstata, 2017 Ukraine had shipped 83.6 million parcels. This is almost twice the previous record of 45.3 million, which was set in 2012.
Today, according to the Tax and Customs codes will not be charged tax parcels, which are the goods worth less than 150 euros. After the entry into force of the amendments the maximum amount of duty-free parcels is reduced to 100 euros. However, first, these amendments only come into force from 1 July 2019. And secondly, before you draw conclusions, how these changes will hit the pockets of ordinary Ukrainians, it is necessary to understand how is the value of the parcels.
The amendments to the Tax code, taken together with the budget for 2019, it is recorded that is taken into account the value of the parcel “for the same recipient – natural person, in one dispatch from one sender in international mail or in one cargo Express carrier from one sender in international Express shipments”.
This means that the cost of the parcels, even ordered in one day from one seller, the stack will be.
For packages, the declared value of which exceeds € 100, you will have to pay and customs duty (its size depends on the product and is determined by the law “On customs tariff of Ukraine”), and the value added tax (20%).
But there is one “but”: this should be the price per unit of product. If you buy two things for a total sum of 100 euros, they can be divided into two parcels and to import to Ukraine duty-free and hassle-free. Among the other tricks the experts suggest a marginal undervaluation of goods.
Ukrainians are more likely to buy through the Internet
Shopping online has already begun to displace offline shopping: approximately seven million of our fellow citizens regularly buy products online. About it writes “Today” in a special material “Buy network more often than the poles or Romanians how the Ukrainians are moving to online shopping”.
Even the victories in this area so far, it is worth noting that the Ukrainians are buying online more frequently than residents of Poland or Romania. Worldwide 93% of consumers say that at least once, but bought something through the Internet; in Ukraine this figure is slightly lower – a total of 91%.
According to the latest research company GfK Ukraine, in average to 2018, per the Ukrainian has 12 Internet purchases (whereas last year was only 9), carried out on domestic sites.
“The online audience of Ukraine is actively growing from year to year. An increasing number of users to access the Internet using mobile devices. In the second quarter of 2018, smartphone penetration was 57%. This figure is lower than in Europe, but due to two to factors such as active penetration of the Internet after the introduction of 4G technology, and market saturation of available models of smartphones, expected to increase connected smartphones four times by 2025”, – said Elena Figured, a leading analyst of the company “Google Ukraine”
Now in the world 67% of total traffic comes from smartphones, in Ukraine this figure reaches 53%. That is, each second request in Ukraine is carried out with a smartphone.
The survey
taxes, fines, bankruptcy, online shopping, Okhrimenko, currency exchange rate, irregular migrants
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Penalties for illegal migrants will rise considerably – lawyers
29 Nov, 07:01
In 2017, Ukraine was identified 9.7 thousand illegal migrants
The dollar for three years: forecast
27 Aug, 00:25
By the end of the year the dollar will jump up to 30 hryvnias 10 kopeks
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