Photo: American fattened himself up to 200 kg and made a fortune

American receives money from users for the ability to watch her photos and videos. For $ 100 it provides adult content.

Blogger from United States Amanda faye lead 200 pounds, and earns money from it. She publishes photos and videos, which she eats, reports The Daily Mirror.

A resident of California consider themselves fidelistas – people who praise the fullness of the body. In 2016, FEI met with feeder, who became her boyfriend. Since then, she decided to write the content for people.

Daily 25-year-old girl consumes up to 10 thousand kilocalories and shoots video of their meals. She publishes them on the many resources that pay-for-access is from 10 to 50 dollars. But for adult content faye earns $ 100.

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Publication of ? Amanda Faye ? (@mamahorker) 30 Dec 2018 12:24 PST

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Publication of ? Amanda Faye ? (@mamahorker) 27 Jan 2019 10:55 PST

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Publication of ? Amanda Faye ? (@mamahorker) 27 Jan 2019 12:57 PST

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Publication of ? Amanda Faye ? (@mamahorker) 17 Jan 2019 6:52 PST

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Publication of ? Amanda Faye ? (@mamahorker) Jan 7, 2019 at 6:21 PST

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Publication of ? Amanda Faye ? (@mamahorker) January 3, 2019 at 5:27 PST

American claims that the greatest demand is the video where she eats tacos, burgers and fruit.

She has more than 52 million followers on Instagram. She says she tried to lose weight, but that doesn’t make her happy.

The Correspondent wrote that skinny Pugachev sparked heated debate on the Network. Earlier it was reported that an American, weighed 270 kg, lost twice.

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