Recovered in Ukraine 275


In Ukraine as of 9.30 this morning was 5106 cases of coronavirus disease COVID-19 thus, during the day, was identified 444 new cases. About it reports a press-service of the Ministry of health of Ukraine on his page in Facebook.

133 people died from COVID-19 (eight of them in the last 24 hours), 275 patients recovered.

In regions the situation with the spread of the virus is:

  • Vinnyts’ka oblast – 319 cases.
  • Volyn oblast – 134 cases;
  • Dnipropetrovsk oblast – 104 cases;
  • Donetsk region – 14 cases;
  • Zhytomyrs’ka oblast – 197 cases;
  • Transcarpathian region – 166 cases;
  • Zaporozhye region – 127 cases;
  • Ivano-Frankivsk oblast – 462 the case;
  • Kirovograd region – 234 cases;
  • Kyiv city – 770 cases.
  • Kyiv region – 280 cases;
  • Lviv oblast – 221 case;
  • Lugansk region – nine cases;
  • The Nikolaev area – 31 cases;
  • Odessa oblast – 106 cases;
  • Poltavs’ka oblast – 49 cases;
  • Rivne region – 283 cases;
  • Sums’ka oblast – 82 cases;
  • Ternopil region – a total of 366 cases;
  • Kharkiv oblast – 62 cases;
  • Kherson region – 56 cases;
  • Khmelnytsky region – 41 cases;
  • Chernivtsi region – 840 cases;
  • Cherkasy region – 141 cases;
  • Chernihiv region – 12 cases.

Data from the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk oblasts and the city of Sebastopol absent.

The studies were conducted virological reference laboratory Center of public health of Ukraine and regional laboratories.

On the morning of April 18, 2020, the centre received 1189 reports of suspected COVID-19. Since the beginning of 2020 637 received 16 reports of suspected COVID-19, the report said.

⚡ МОЗ повідомляє: В Україні зафіксовано 5106 випадків коронавірусної хвороби COVID-19 За даними ЦГЗ, станом на 9:00…

Posted by Міністерство охорони здоров'я України on Friday, April 17, 2020

Flash COVID-19 began in December 2019 in China. March 11, 2020, the world health organization declared the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the Johns Hopkins University, coronavirus infection worldwide were infected already 2 244 303 people. Of them died 154 219 people, 569 699 recovered.