In Cherkassy on a pedestrian crossing under the wheels of the car got 91-year-old man. The accident occurred on the street Portside near a stop of public transport “Cheremushki”.
This is the second accident at this spot in the past two weeks. About her OBOZREVATEL reported by eyewitnesses.
As we reported in the KNP “Regional centre of emergency medical aid and disaster medicine of chos”, the victim was diagnosed opened cherepno-a brain trauma, a bruised neck, broken shoulder and leg.
In Cherkasy pensioner was hit by a car
Facebook / driving Cherkassy
Have novostirussia parkour: in the Cherkassk area the teenager stuck on the roof dvuhetazhki. Photo
Grandfather was hospitalized in the Third Cherkasy city hospital in serious but stable condition.
At the scene police work.
Earlier OBOZREVATEL wrote in late January, the SUV brought down 8-the summer girl who passed road on this “Zebra”. The child went to school.
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