The situation is threatening, because of the sharp warming in the next few days promise
These frames are more like an excerpt from a Hollywood disaster movie. But really. Terrible cold and snow has claimed two dozen lives in the United States of America. Cold cyclone is raging on the Eastern coast of the country.
The famous times Square in new York. Usually it is not overcrowded. But now is that the scurrying snow. This is their Golden time in the storm pay almost two times more instead of 15 dollars an hour 26.
But the rest of the work is not in a hurry: kindergartens and schools are closed. Not serviced by public transport. The city’s state of emergency.
“This is a very serious storm. Low temperature, strong wind, snow. I was attracted to the city’s winter emergency services. They are supposed to help maintain security,” – said measures of new York bill de Blasio.
In captivity the weather – almost all of the East coast. Worst of all in the North: due to heavy rains the streets are flooded. Moreover, the water immediately freezes. Venture out and you’ll go into an ice pool. And all set to go dangerous: of 19 victims most victims of accidents. Several froze to death.
The most vulnerable are those who have no housing. Medics patrol the streets to check how are you feeling homeless.
“The cold is causing hypothermia. And people don’t think clearly and understand what is happening. Therefore, already ill, can not go to the hospital,” says nurse Sandra Collins.
Bomb storm – how was called the element of Americans moving South. And his presence is already felt.
Here, not far from Washington, minus ten and felt at all minus twenty, and though the snow a bit. But the wind is so strong that over the road very dangerously – swaying traffic lights. Almost no people – apparently unusual for this region of the cold prefer to stay home.
In captivity low temperatures – even Sunny Florida: in the state of mass iguanas fall from trees: from the cold paralyzes them.
If the cold weather will last a few days – iguanas can die, zoologists say. The situation really threatens: after a sharp warming in the coming days is not promising.
Earlier we wrote that in the US due to the bad weather killed 16 people.
It was also reported that according to forecasts, by the end of this week in the northeast U.S. will be colder than on Mars. The temperature sometimes drops to almost -40 degrees Celsius. A few days ago on Mars was was -18 Celsius.
Meanwhile, the powerful storm “Eleanor” struck the countries of Western Europe, the most affected Ireland, UK, Netherlands, France and Germany.
French rail company SNCF took the decision to cancel the regional trains plying in the districts of Normandy and Alsace, but intercity trains do not stop working. From the disaster in France, has already killed three people.
The survey
USA, snow, storm, bad weather, cold weather, public transport
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In the United States due to the bad weather killed 16 people
Yesterday, 02:25
As a result of heavy snowfalls, Gale-force wind and frost American cities literally paralyzed
In new York introduced a state of emergency due to bad weather
4 Jan, 22:25
Suspended work also airport. John Kennedy
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